Nesting I

2021 2022


gesso and digital photo print on Hahnemühle Bamboo Fine Art Paper
Idrija (Slovenia) lace-making diagram reinterpreted

These works came about from my research into motherhood, womanhood, and matriarchy via a Slavic and personal lens. I am a first generation Canadian. Both of my parents immigrated from Slovenia to Canada as “displaced persons” after World War 2. As a first generation Canadian I have felt a constant need to attach myself to my Slovenian heritage, to make sense of my connection, and my disconnection to it, in an authentic and inquisitive way. 

Lacemaking in Slovenia has traditionally been preserved and kept alive by mothers teaching daughters. It is now taught in schools to all children. My mother was an avid lacemaker up until a few years ago—she stopped when her eyesight started to fail her, and arthritis crippled her hands. My mother lived for four years in several DP (displaced persons) Camps in Austria before coming to Canada. She learned a certain style of lace-making from local women she apprenticed with and then sold her products to help buy extra milk and food for the children in the camp. She did not pass this skill down to me, but I gained an appreciation for it by watching her intensely occupy her time with this activity.

Many of the images in this series come from Slovenian lacemaking patterns, diagrams and lace I have either collected, were gifted, or inherited. By using them as a base, and by applying a variety of editing processes to emphasize a particular narrative, I am able to actively attach myself to the creative language of my matrilineal ancestors. By examining, replicating, deconstructing, and re-imagining the creation of lace in my artistic practice, I can create my own space to participate in this creative tradition and visual language—nesting myself within it..

Origins (samplers 1 and 2) | Miriam Fabijan

(samplers 1 and 2)

gesso and digital photo print on Hahnemühle Bamboo Fine Art Paper
Idrija (Slovenia) lace-making diagram reinterpreted

When the cord gets cut

gesso and digital photo print on Hahnemühle Bamboo Fine Art Paper
Idrija (Slovenia) lace-making diagram reinterpreted

To see and touch

gesso and digital photo print on Hahnemühle Bamboo Fine Art Paper
Idrija (Slovenia) lace-making diagram reinterpreted

untitled 1 & untitled 6

gesso and digital photo print on Hahnemühle Bamboo Fine Art Paper 
Idrija (Slovenia) lace-making diagram reinterpreted

Blinded Sunflower


acrylic, 4B pencil and digital photo print on Hahnemühle Bamboo Fine Art Paper
digital photo of lacework created by my mother, featuring her sunflower design
My mother’s eyesight is slowly failing her.

Finding Mokoš, Finding Myself

gesso and digital photo print on Hahnemühle Bamboo Fine Art Paper
deconstructed Idrija (Slovenia) lace-making pattern

The Slavic goddess Mokoš (Mokosh) is powerfully associated with emerging fertility and creativity in a woman. She blesses and protects women’s crafts and women’s work, and she is associated with healing, motherhood, and midwifery. She is the goddess of weaving, spinning, creation, textiles, and life-giving. In the Slavic traditions, Mokošis a key figure represented in Slavic embroidery and lacemaking.

Yokes, Vessels and Vestiges

digital photo print on Hahnemühle Bamboo Fine Art Paper
lace collars (top 3 by my mother, bottom 3 by unknown Slovenian artisan)


acrylic and digital photo print on Hahnemühle Bamboo Fine Art Paper
Idrija (Slovenia) lace-making technique pattern reinterpreted

From my mother's belly

acrylic and digital photo print on Hahnemühle Bamboo Fine Art Paper
reinterpreting lacework created by my mother, her own original design


acrylic and digital photo print on Hahnemühle Bamboo Fine Art Paper
Idrija (Slovenia) lace reinterpreted

The gift of milk

gesso and digital print on Hahnemühle Bamboo Fine Art Paper

These works were undertaken with the generous support of the Canada Council.


Calgary Central Library, Calgary, Canada


In Full Bloom, a celebration of artwork by and about women. Miriam Fabijan, curator, ATB Branch for ART + Culture, Calgary, Canada


Nesting II